How to Setup Namecheap Custom Domain with Blogger?

Today in this post I’ll teach you to map namecheap custom domain on blogger/blogspot. Few months back I’ve shared the instruction to setup godaddy domain with blogger. So today I decide to share the way to setup namecheap domain when I’ve got few domains in both company.

mapping namecheap domain with blogger

A little about:

We all know that blogger is a free weblog tool by Google. Creating & using a blog on blogger is completely free of charge. But when you create a new blog on blogger you found the blog URL with a sub domain. eg. is mandatory for blogger users. Your blog must come with at the end of your blog URL. That looks pretty unprofessional, so if you are serious about blogging and want to remove the sub domain ( from the end of your blog address and want to migrate your address to a desired one with TLD (Top Level Domain).

Then blogger has a options for doing so. But you have to buy a top level custom domain like .net/.com/.info and its not free in the market. You have to count almost 15$ per year for your custom domain.

There are many domain registrar company in the world. But you have to be clever to find out the best one. is the world’s largest domain registrar company. Another best one in the world is called Namecheap.
I bought my first domain from namecheap and found the service is really good. Then I’ve got experience with & . And I can say godaddy is also good for domain but I can promise you namecheap will be your best choice.
So guys if you’ve owned a custom domain from namecheap and want to set it on blogger then follow the instruction below.

Mapping namecheap domain:

Step 1:

Login to your blogger and and click on Settings > Basic from blogger menu. Now under publishing section click on “+ Setup a third party URL for your blog”.

blogger publishing option

Step 2:

A new address box will open, input your custom domain in it of course with www and then click on Save button. A error will appear, don’t worry its okay.

blogger custom domain setup

Step 3:

Now login to your namecheap account, go to Domain List and click on your Domain name.

namecheap domain list

Step 4:

On the modify domain option when the details come up of your domain click on “All Host Records” from the left side menu under Host Management.

domain host records

Step 5:

After clicking on All Host Records the DNS settings of your domain will open up. Fill up the options same as screenshot below. Just replace with your own domain. And in the red marked two options copy and paste the unique generated code for blog verification from blogger domain setting error.

namecheap dns settings

Step 6:

After filling up all the required form successfully click on Save Changes.

namecheap save settings

Step 7:

Now head back to blogger and hit the Save button again. If everything gone well you should not see any error this time.

blogger domain save

Step 8:

After successfully saving the domain click on Edit from just right side of your domain address.

custom domain edit

Step 9:

After clicking edit, from custom domain options tick on Redirect to And finally hit the orange Save button again. And you are DONE just wait for few hours to DNS changes take effect.

domain redirect settings

Final Word:

By flowing this instructions I hope you have successfully mapped your custom domain with blogger. So you are one step ahead to become a pro. In this post I’ve attached screenshot for all steps to make the things easier for noobs. If yet you have problem setting up custom domain with blogger, contact namecheap live chat support. They are really friendly.

If this post really helped you, I’ll request you to consider few seconds to share this on your social profiles.
Thanks in advance, Happy Blogging.

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