Create a Google Plus Page within Minute

In one of my previous post I showed how to create a facebook fan page. Today I’ll show you how to create a google+ (plus) fan page easily. Creating a google plus page is as easy as facebook.

how to create google plus page

In short:

Social network plays a vital role in online business. Facebook is the biggest social networking site, but now days Google+ also a raising social network. Social network is a great way to make a relation between customers & business.
Fanpage took the social engagement one step ahead. By flowing your fan page users/customers easily can be up to date with your business. So fan-page is really important for business.

So keeping the importance of fanpage previous day I was shared how to create a facebook fan page and today I’m gonna share how to create a google plus fan page within one minute.

How to create google+ page:

Step 1:

First go to google plus page creator page by clicking

Note: You must need to logged in with your gmail/google plus ID.

Step 2:

Now in the “Google My Business” page you’ll find 3 category of page type. Click on one of them. [I clicked on Brand]

choose google plus page categories

Step 3:

Now another page will open with tree options.
  1. Page Name: Enter your desired page name
  2. Website: Enter the website link of your business
  3. Type of Page: Choose the page or business type.
After that tick on accept google policy & then click Create page.

create your google plus page

Yeah! you are done. Now just decorate your page with profile picture, cover photo and so on.

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