Flawless Recovery Of Corrupted and Distorted PDF Files

PDF (Portable Documents Format) Files are the most common form of documents used for composing and sharing data. If we just move a few years back in the timeline, we will find that the most popular format to create and share documents before PDF was MS Word. But with the option of sending the files over web, whilst maintaining the format, PDF files have taken Word's place.

Factors Which Favor PDF Files

Some of the common reasons in favor of PDF files are:
  • Prevents ill-intentioned users from editing or accessing the PDF file.
  • PDF files are small and compact in size.
  • PDF files can be created easily.
  • Is supported in all the operating systems irrespective of their versions.
  • PDF files can be used as an ideal format for legal evidences.
  • An online document can easily be printed in form of a PDF file.
  • Supports compression of file and also encryption in multiple forms.
  • Word documents can be easily converted to PDF files.

Factors Leading To Damaged PDF File

  • Failure in connection while downloading from internet File transfer protocol.
  • Interruption in downloading the file due to power outage.
  • Damage to the hard drive may cause corruption of the file.
  • Improperly decoded PDF files sent as an attachment.
  • Creation of PDF files in application other than Adobe.
  • Virus infection may also lead to file corruption.

Errors In PDF File

  1. One of the most common that is encountered while opening a PDF file is-
    There are three reasons which can lead to the occurrence of this error. Either the PDF file is itself damaged or Adobe Acrobat damaged the PDF file or the version of PDF file accessing the PDF file is outdated. The most probable reason is the damage in PDF file.
  2. Error due to header of PDF file.
    Adobe Acrobat functions in a way that the PDF files are only opened by it if the % header of PDF files starts between the initial or starting 1024 bytes. In case the PDF is damaged, it won’t open. The updated versions of Adobe Acrobat i.e. 10.1.5 and 11.0.01 have come with an increased level of PDF security. If the PDF files fail to start with the correct header, the files will not be opened by the users.
  3. Error due to corruption of PDF file
    This error may occur either due to interruption while downloading the PDF file.

Other Errors In PDF Files

  • File is corrupted or damaged.
  • This file contains information not understood by the viewer.
  • There was an error processing the page.
  • The root object is missing or invalid
  • PDF file is not readable with Acrobat Reader

How To Recover Corrupted PDF Files?

The easiest solution to recover from PDF corruption is permanent deletion of the PDF files. You can permanently delete it by deleting it from the recycle bin also. This method proves to be helpful in case the corruption was generated in the file at the time of download. After deleting, re-download the same file and if the file opens without any error, then the error was definitely due to downloading problem.
In case deleting and re-downloading does not turn out to be helpful, try other method. It may happen that Adobe Acrobat is causing some issues. Uninstall Adobe Acrobat from your system and then install it again. Also if the Adobe Acrobat is of the older version, download the latest version. This will help in accessing the PDF files without any issues.

Recover PDF Files With External Solution

In case deleting and re-downloading the PDF files do not work out in order to carry out PDF recovery, it is advised to use a third party application. One of such solution is PDF Recovery. The tool efficiently recovers PDF file from worst corrupted state. The tool repairs the corrupted PDF file and saves the repaired data in a new PDF file. The highlighting features of the software are:

  • Supports recovery of both text and images from PDF file.
  • Compatible with all the versions of PDF file.
  • No changes are made in the original formatting.
In order to save your PDF files from getting corrupted and turning into an inaccessible state it is advised to keep your PDF file safe from virus attacks. This can be done by upgrading the anti-virus software installed in your system from time to time. This will save your system from virus infections. Also ensure downloading PDF files from trustworthy resources so that they do not turn out to be corrupted.

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