Boost Your Alexa Rank like Flash Flood (Guaranteed)

Hi readers, how are you? Hope you are all good. If you are not time to be!! YES this time I’m gonna share few killer tips to boost your blog’s alexa ranking. Previously I posted almost 2 posts (1. Claim your blogger blog to alexa & 2. Way to use alexa boostup) related to alexa. And there I also described the importance of good alexa rank for your business.

improve alexa ranking

About Post:

If you gone through those previous posts, I think you are almost done half. Now you just need to know the process schedule. And today I’m writing this for that reason. In this post I’ll describe and you’ll understand the entire process to improve / decrease alexa rank in short time.
I want to clear one thing first that, this is a guaranteed tricks to improve alexa rank so fast. If you are ignoring this post, be sure you are really missing something that works.

How to improve alexa rank rapidly:

There are few short and easy steps I’m goanna share to improve your site’s alexa rank so fast. You have to just follow the full process & all tricks.

1. Claim Your Site to

Claiming your site is the very first step to improving alexa ranking. Claiming your site to alexa means proving the site ownership to After claimed your site to alexa you can put your site logo (pro only), site description, owner name & address and many more. That means you can really care about your site and that’s really a good thing & alexa like it. So do it fast. Site claiming instruction is here.

2. Use Alexa Toolbar

Alexa toolbar is a great way to improve alexa ranking. User who is installed alexa toolbar & visiting a site, alexa goanna track that IP so easily. So this way they improve site ranking. Tell your friends to install alexa toolbar & to visit your site. Also if you got loyal visitor ask them to install alexa toolbar. Alexa toolbar is here.

3. Put Alexa Widget in Your Site

Putting alexa widget in site page is also a great a way to improve alexa rank. This way visitor can easily notice your alexa ranking and alexa keep happy too. Alexa certified traffic ranking widget code in below. Just remove with your own domain.

code to show alexa rank only
<a href=""><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script></a>

code to show alexa rank and sites linking in count
<a href=""><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script></a>

4. Cover a Page About Alexa

Writing about alexa in your blog is a hidden way to improve alexa rank so fast. Discussing about alexa and putting a link in there is a good idea to keep happy alexa. So do it, if possible.

5. Use

Alexa boostup is a automated way to improve your alexa rank. After signing up you can use alexa boostup’s auto surf to gain point. One point means one visitor to your blog. This way you can exchange alexa toolbar installed visitor’s traffic. Remember this is the most working trick to improve alexa rank. So go for it there 100 signup points is waiting for you. Full instruction with screenshot to use is here.

Final Word:

If you followed above 5 tricks to boost/improve your alexa ranking, I’m sure that’s goanna work perfectly. In one month you will see the magic of this tricks and that’s why I called it GUARANTEED tricks.
Now please consider few seconds to share this post on your social profiles.

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